PE – curriculum information
At Francis Askew Primary, we strive to deliver a high-quality physical education curriculum which allows our pupils to recognise the significance of physical activity in their everyday lives. Our aim is to develop the confidence and competence of all children through the PE curriculum, enabling them to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. Our curriculum ensures that there are opportunities to develop fundamental movement skills for pupils to become physically literate which supports their health, fitness and athletic development. It ensures that they are physically active for sustained periods of time which supports our curriculum driver to ‘be healthy’.
Our aim is to provide inclusive and aspirational learning experiences where pupils thrive and build the cultural capital they need to make ambitious choices about their own futures, overcoming any barriers. In PE, this is promoted through collaborative and experiential learning opportunities, for example, the provision of enhancement opportunities in sports that extend beyond the curriculum, e.g. archery and fencing. Links with local and further afield sporting communities are made wherever possible so that children can gain relevant, concrete and modern physical education experiences in areas they might not ordinarily have the opportunity to experience.
At Francis Askew we use the Get Set 4 PE scheme as a basis for P.E. planning. Alongside this our highly skilled subject leaders have carefully worked to create a Subject Progression Document where objectives for each year group are progressively mapped out towards clearly defined end points. This ensures our pupils are given the required skills and knowledge they need to progress. The progressive objectives also enable teachers to identify and plug gaps in pupils’ knowledge and skills.
Pupils will develop a deep understanding of key concepts as they move through our PE curriculum. Key concepts have been carefully considered and identified as the core knowledge and skills required to successfully achieve in PE. Key concepts are revisited and developed as the pupils move through the school to ensure that knowledge and skills are firmly embedded within their long-term memory. These key concepts compliment work carried out across the school reinforcing our 6 broad curriculum drivers (see overall Curriculum Intent).
The key concepts identified are as follows:-
- Competence: The selection and application of skills, tactics and compositional ideas. The readiness of body and mind to cope with physical activity.
- Movement (self): travelling, rolling balancing, sliding, jogging, running, jumping, dodging, spinning, skipping
- Movement (object control): bouncing, throwing, catching, kicking, striking
- Balance: control, stability
- Agility: changing and controlling direction and position
- Coordination: using senses together, dribbling, hand-eye co-ordination, completing movements in dance
- Speed: moving body or parts of body at controlled pace
- Tactics: strategy, plans
- Attacking and defending: 5 principles (width in attack, width in defence, depth in attack, depth in defence, delay in defence)
- Performance: Using physical competence and knowledge to gain a better understanding of physical activity.
- Technique: Skill, ability, capability, proficiency, expertise, style
- Performance: conduct, accomplishment, achievement, completion, fulfilment, implementation, execution, presenting, improving, refining
- Spatial awareness: awareness, understanding of self and objects within a space, changes in position
- Physical literacy: performing with confidence, performing actions accurately
- Rules: regulation, directions, commands, guidelines, safety, referee, decision making
- Creativity: Exploring and experimenting with techniques, tactics and compositional ideas to produce efficient and effective outcomes.
- Applying tactics: strategy, games, planning, sequencing, creating
- Competition: rivalry, contesting, opposition, match, game, round, heat, event
- Co-operation: collaboration, working together, combined effort, teamwork, partnership, coordination
- Communication: instructions, discussion, interaction, encouragement, clarity
- Healthy, active lifestyles: Understanding the positive contribution that regular, fit for purpose physical activity makes to the physical and mental health of the individual in preparation for their future lives
- Safety: Ourselves, others, dangers, risks, long term effects of exercise, keeping heathy, rescue, confidence, limitations, rules
- Health and fitness: mental, physical and social well-being, types of exercise (aerobic, circuit, yoga/Pilates)
- Evaluation and analysis:Comparing performance with previous ones and those of others to demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best
- Evaluation: assessment, appraisal, judgement, analysis, improving
- Determination: self-improvement, resilience, personal best
Children will also develop their understanding of some identified second order concepts through the PE curriculum. These concepts branch across subjects, creating horizontal links across our whole curriculum. They aim to develop flexible knowledge and skills that children can apply to multiple curriculum areas. In P.E. children will be develop their understanding of the following second order concepts:-
- Responsibility: (to act with respect and thought for team members, accountability as part of a team)
- Similarity and difference: (making comparisons between sports, acknowledging transferrable skills and knowledge)
- Cause and consequence: (understanding human movement – cause and effect, as well as factors that may impact on performance)
- Significance: (significant sporting individuals, significant events in the sporting world, significant achievements)
End points:
By the end of EYFS, pupils will:
- Demonstrate strength, balance and coordination when playing
- Negotiate space and obstacles safely, with consideration for themselves and others
- Confidently and safely use a range of large & small apparatus
- Move energetically, such as running, jumping, dancing, hopping, skipping and climbing
By the end of Key Stage 1, pupils will:
- master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching
- develop balance, agility and co-ordination
- apply these movements to a range of activities
- participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending
- be able to perform dances using simple movement patterns
By the end of Key Stage 2: pupils will:
- use running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and in combination
- be able to play competitive games such as badminton, basketball, cricket, football, hockey, netball, rounders and tennis, and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending
- develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance through athletics and gymnastics
- take part in outdoor adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team
- be able to compare their performances with previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best
At Francis Askew, our PE curriculum is carefully mapped out into a long-term plan. This outlines when key concepts will be taught and revisited and shows how these concepts progressively lead towards children achieving our identified curriculum end points. The long-term plan also enables links between subjects to be identified and carefully planned for to support children’s retention of knowledge and skills. At Francis Askew, children participate in 2 hours of PE per week, accessing a variety of sports. The majority of PE lessons are delivered by specialised sports instructors. These instructors follow the long-term plan and the progressive objectives from the Subject Progression Document.
Children develop their understanding of key concepts in PE through the following domains of knowledge:-
- Athletics (running, jumping, throwing, catching)
- Dance and movement (movement, sequences, communicating ideas, rhythm, performance)
- Gymnastics (balance, shape, travelling, sequences, flexibility, strength, control)
- Team Games (competitive games, attacking and defending, passing, fielding, dribbling, shooting)
- Outdoor Adventurous Activities (orientation, problem solving, navigation, maps, compasses, teamwork, communication)
- Swimming (water safety, different strokes, confidence)
They also develop knowledge, skills and confidence in:
- Leadership (communication, tactics, refereeing, explaining rules, coaching)
- Evaluation (reflecting, analysing, improving, communicating)
- Responsibility (Being fit and active, leading a healthy lifestyle)
Short term planning for PE is informed by the subject’s long-term plan and Subject Progression Document. Lesson objectives are clear and sequenced so that outcomes are secure and meaningful. In PE children do not learn objectives in isolation but continue to embed these through carefully planned application of skills in pair and group work throughout the year which has a direct impact on teamwork and evaluating their own progress and others.
All children have access to the PE curriculum, with work being tailored appropriately for children with SEND – modifying end points so that they are appropriate but remain aspirational. Any child working below their age-related expectation, will receive a tailored curriculum with personalised objectives. This will enable all children to build the skills and knowledge needed to bridge the gap between themselves and their peers enabling them to reach their full potential.
The development of children’s oracy is also given a high profile and is promoted through the use of subject specific terminology and vocabulary in PE lessons. When discussing and presenting new knowledge learned within the PE curriculum, children will be directed to specific and progressive vocabulary.
A typical teaching sequence in PE is designed to teach new skills, practise and refine these and give children the opportunity to use and apply them:
- Set the learning that is about to take place within the chronology of pupils PE learning and skill development to date, starting with what the children know, understand, are able to do and able to say.
- Specify key vocabulary to be used and its meaning.
- Learn new skills and techniques – demonstration, modelling, safety
- Practise and refine skills and techniques individually, interactively or in teams
- Use and apply new skills and techniques in games, routines, activities, events
- Provide opportunities for children to critically review their own work and that of others and make improvements where needed
- Provide opportunities for competition or performance
- Assessment and reflection on the learning and skill development that has taken place
At the beginning of each unit and throughout, children revisit prior learning and link this to new concepts being taught. Additionally, at the end of a learning sequence, children reflect on their new learning and skills and there is opportunity for further teaching when knowledge or skills have not been retained.
In addition to weekly PE lessons, a wide range of extra-curricular clubs and activities are offered to pupils of both Key stages. We further intend to provide the children with the opportunity to develop these fundamental skills into competitive sporting situations.
A wide range of strategies are used to measure the impact of our PE curriculum. Our teaching sequence allows children to respond to self and peer appreciation and evaluation and to assess how they feel they have achieved in each session.
The impact of learning is measured through observations, which demonstrate what has been understood and through self and peer evaluation activities which demonstrate the progression of knowledge, skills and understanding. Where learning is not secure, additional learning takes place to address this.
Formative assessments are carried out by specialised sports instructors and teachers after each lesson, which allow them to inform future planning. Additionally, summative assessments are carried out each half term by using an internal assessment tool. As a result of these assessment tools, children’s misconceptions or gaps in subject knowledge, skills, behaviours and attitudes are addressed and additional teaching and support is provided.
Our subject leaders will also monitor the effectiveness of the PE curriculum through carrying out regular monitoring evaluations. These evaluations are quality assured by the Curriculum Lead, Senior Leadership and Governors.
The effectiveness of Physical Education is also monitored through pupil and parental voice throughout the course of the year.