Special Educational Needs
Mr Michael Smith SEN Governor
Help is on hand –
Any child may at some point in their life require extra help and support and at Francis Askew we include all children and make sure they access a curriculum suited to their needs.
Children needing intervention are identified at the earliest possible opportunity and individual programmes are established after consultation with parents, pupils, class teachers, the Special Needs Co-ordinator and any relevant agencies including the Psychological Service.
Children are supported in their classroom, in small groups and in 1 to 1 programmes.
Find the link below to our SEN information documents:
Specialist help is also available
Our Special Needs Co-ordinator works closely with our teaching staff and also members of external agencies. Children with English as an Additional Language also receive specialist support in our special language room. Parents are welcome to come and look at our SEN and Inclusion policies and the Disability Access plan available in the school.
The Governors of the school have adopted the Single Equality Scheme to promote equality for all in line with the Equality Act Oct 2010; to eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation; advance equality of opportunity; and foster good relations.
What is the SEND Local Offer?
The government has listened to what parents say about their experience of services and have put in place a number of things to bring about improvements. One of these is the ‘Local Offer’. In 2012 the former Children’s Minister Sarah Teacher explained that:
“The current system is outdated and not fit for purpose. Thousands of families have had to battle for months, even years, with different agencies to get the specialist care their children need. It is unacceptable they are forced to go from pillar to post, facing agonising delays and bureaucracy to get support, therapy and equipment”.
“It is a huge step forward to require health, education and care services work together. The reforms will give parents better information and a comprehensive package of support that meets their needs”.
Please see the link below for Hull’s Local Offer
Useful websites
Mental health and wellbeing (adults and children):
General support
Physical health