Wider Curriculum Opportunities & Cultural Capital
Our curriculum raises the ambition of our pupils. It ensures that all pupils have the chance for success, regardless of their starting points. We strive to provide meaningful experiences, allowing children to appreciate the wider world and recognise the opportunities that exist outside of our community. The whole curriculum is underpinned by 5 Pastoral Drivers, Resilience, Expression, Aspiration, Citizenship, Health. These drivers ensure we meet the holistic needs of our pupils and allow them to REACH their full potential.
The school recognises the challenges and gaps in knowledge (or cultural capital) that many pupils in the school have. However, the school is committed to its vision of ‘Working together to make a positive difference for every child,’ and therefore our curriculum is aspirational for all pupils. The curriculum aims to embed opportunities to develop cultural capital through well-chosen texts, visits and experiences for pupils across all subjects. In addition, there are many opportunities for children to apply their learning in real life contexts and make links with the community around them as well as the wider world.
Educational Visits, Workshops and Residential trips
Educational trips, workshops, and visitors are an integral part of the education of children at Francis Askew. We endeavour to ensure that all pupils from EYFS-Y6 have the opportunity to make visits to the surrounding community and beyond and where possible these build strongly from the curriculum content covered in each year group. Visitors have a valuable role to play and can contribute to many aspects of the life and work of the school. They deliver talks, workshops and full day activities across a wide range of subjects, giving pupils access to outside experiences and expertise. Visitors provide a link with the wider community – children have the opportunity to work alongside artists, musicians, authors, health professions and others. We value the opportunities such experiences offer our pupils and we believe very strongly that they enhance interest, raise aspiration and develop cultural capital for our children.
Please click this link to see an overview of the visits, workshops and residential trips our children experience at Francis Askew (this list is updated throughout the year):
Family Learning
Strong partnerships with parents and carers are a highly valued part of school here at Francis Askew. There are many opportunities for families to learn about school and be involved in events throughout the year. We hold curriculum and creative workshops across all year groups where families learn about how their children are taught, take part in learning and visit classrooms to see lessons being taught for themselves. Other activities include, Phonics Workshops and stay and read sessions take place three mornings a week in EYFS & KS1.
PE & Sport
At Francis Askew we are using our PE & Sport Premium to part-fund qualified sports coaches to provide high quality instruction during PE lessons for certain pupil groups; they also run sporting activities at lunchtimes; and promote increased pupil participation in PE & Sport beyond the school day by delivering after-school clubs.
Whole School Theme Days/Weeks
Throughout the year, themed days/weeks are woven into the curriculum to extend the breadth and balance of opportunities we offer our pupils. These are an exciting and motivating way for children to use a range of skills and work in new and exciting ways at school. These include, Anti-bullying Week and E-Safety Day, Art exhibitions, musical performances, World Book Day, World Hello day, Refugee week, science week, maths week, black history week, Diwali & Eid, anti-bullying week, children’s mental health week and others.
After-school Clubs
As a school we offer pupils regular opportunities to participate in extra-curricular activities after school as well as throughout the school day. The activities on offer are thoughtfully chosen with our REACH drivers in mind to ensure we are developing the whole child. As well as our teachers and support staff delivering clubs, we use a range of external providers that bring expertise and specialisms to our extra-curricular activities. At any time, a wide range of clubs is on offer – our programme of clubs and activities are revised and updated regularly throughout the year.
Please click this link to see an overview of the after-school opportunities offered to our children at Francis Askew (this list is updated throughout the year):
Opportunities to Volunteer
Volunteering is an activity that everyone can get involved in and benefit from. At Francis Askew we promote and encourage pupils’ active citizenship and positive contribution to the school and wider community. We offer lots of opportunities for pupils to take on new responsibilities and be involved in successfully supporting the life and work of the school. These include elected representatives on our School Council, OPAL Leaders, a Junior Leadership Team, Eco Champions, IT leaders, peer support buddies and Wellbeing Champions.
OPAL play
At our school, we believe that play is not just a fun activity, it is a fundamental part of a child’s learning journey. That’s why we are proud to embrace OPAL play, an award-winning program that transforms our play areas into vibrant spaces for exploration, imagination, and development.
OPAL stands for Outdoor Play and Learning, and it is built on the ethos that children learn best when they are actively engaged and challenged in an open-air environment. Through imaginative play, exploration, and collaboration, children develop a wealth of skills that directly contribute to our REACH curriculum drivers:-
- Resilience: Overcoming challenges and persisting through difficulties are natural parts of OPAL play, fostering a growth mindset and a drive to succeed.
- Expression: OPAL encourages children to interact, negotiate, and share ideas as they build, explore, and role-play together.
- Aspiration: Confidence and independence grows as children take ownership of their play experience, exploring their strengths and challenging themselves.
- Citizenship: Working together to build a den, create a story, or solve a problem becomes an essential part of the OPAL experience, nurturing teamwork and collaboration skills.
- Health: Active in a variety of ways, children run, climb, build, lift, pull and develop physical strength. Children’s mental health improves as the become absorbed in mindful play activities.
OPAL has encouraged children to be curious and imaginative. Every playtime brings new opportunities and endless possibilities. We believe that play should continue in all weathers. Embracing the outdoors, rain or shine, strengthens children’s physical and mental well-being and fosters a love for nature and a sense of adventure!
Please see our key OPAL documents below:-